Nameplate capacity, also known as the rated capacity installed capacity a plate or sign attached to something and bearing the name of the owner, occupier, maker, or the thing itself. Led Sign Bd.

LED Sign Dhaka BD Ltd

Tk. 800

42 Capital Super market 104 Green Road , Farmgate, Dhaka-1215 - Kawranbazar, Dhaka
Electronics / Other Electronics

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Nameplate capacity, also known as the rated capacity installed capacity a plate or sign attached to something and bearing the name of the owner, occupier, maker, or the thing itself. Led Sign Bd.
A nameplate identifies and displays a person or product's name. ... Whereas name tags tend to be worn on uniforms or clothing, nameplates tend to be mounted onto an object (e.g. cars, amplification devices) or physical space (e.g. doors, walls, or desktops). Nameplates are also distinct from name plaques. Nameplates provide the product tracking information your industry or country may mandate. One of the chief purposes of metal nameplates is to ensure your product has all of the industry-mandated and legally-required information prominently displayed .
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Capital Super Market, Shop-42, 104 Green Road, Farmgate, Dhaka-1215

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