SINAMM ENGINEERING LIMITED named as SINAMM was conceived and formed in the year 2004 by a team of qualified Engineers and other professionals possessing long standing experience in various fields of Constructional activities with a vision and mission and to play a significant role in development and construction sector in near future.
Construction, more than any industry, is indeed a service-profession, the lure of becoming a civil engineering contractor attracts many, but not all can survive these challenges. Many give up due to lack of experience or inability to tackle the hazards involved. SINAMM has started the journey to take these challenges and is determined to exist its excellence in the field of construction such as buildings, industry and infrastructure projects through innovative planning and employing latest techniques with continuous advancement. We believe that our dedication, commitment, technical superiority, experienced human resources and collective management efforts will ensure quality, accuracy and timely completion of woks for the prospective clients.
Soil Improvment
Residential Building
Sheet Pile Driving
Pre Fabricated Steel Structure