is an online outsourcing firm specialized in image manipulation and serving the global market since 2012. Phototrims is the second to none in Bangladesh in providing image editing services. It has already been able to draw the attention of giant clients and has got the working experiences with them. The demand of the services of Phototrims is increasing day by day specally in terms of image manupulations. Now we have hundreds of satisfied customers with some regular loyal clients. We as a team are always ready to carry out for your all Graphic Design and Image Editing services according to your requirements. We can certainly promise that you will feel awesome to work with us and be able to differentiate us from other service providers. You will get your business solutions which actually you are looking for. Our quite professional support team and trained-up designers are enthusiastic to render the services in a superb manner. Our more than 100 staffs are always working together to deliver the best work to the clients. We work constantly to keep the faith and underscore the clients images and consider ourself that we are part and parcel of clients business.
We offer different cost effective image editing services that can meet your photographic needs. Photo Trims services include but are not limited to the items listed.
ü Clipping Path (Background Removing, shadow making)
ü Photo Retouching (Headshots, Jewelry and Products Photo Retouching)
ü Color Correction
ü Image Masking
ü Image Background Removal Service
ü Neck Joint/Ghost Mannequin Effect/Combo
why choose us?
· Competitive Pricing
· Bulk discounts
· Quality Assurance Checks
· 24/7 Customer Support
· Reliable Billing
· Monthly Invoice Schedule
· Fast turnaround
· 1, 4, 10, 24 Hours Service!
· Image Starting from $0.20
· Fast Delivery 01-06-12-24 hours
· 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
· 24/7 Online Support/Phone
· Data Privacy Guarantee
Beside them we also provide customize services as our clients requires. We work for different companies around the world. If you visit our website you might get an idea about our work. As our production team is located in low labor cost region, that’s why we are able to work in very competitive price. Another important thing is we are 24 hours on! So, we can provide your work on time with better quality. We are warmly inviting you use our free trial & check our quality. Please let me know if you'd like us to help you with your photo post production.