o promote and protect the trade, commerce and manufactures of Bangladesh in general, and the trade,commerce and manufactures of Chittagong in particular.
To encourage the development and progress of the Port and Town of Chittagong.
To watch over and protect the general commercial interests of Bangladesh or any part thereof and the interests of persons engaged in trade, commerce or industry in Bangladesh and in particular in Chittagong
To collect and circulate statistics and other information relating to trade, commerce and industry to members.
To promote or oppose legislative and other measures affecting trade, commerce and industry.
To establish just and equitable principles in trade, commerce and industry.
To form a code or code or practice to simplify and facilitate transaction of business.
To aintain uniformity in rules, regulations and usages of trade, commerce and industry.
To maintain liaison with other trade organizations whether incorporated or not for the exchange of information, opinion or help.
To run a Licensed Measurers' Department and such other departments including those relating to exports, imports,industries, certificates of origin, statistics, publicity and publications as may be thought necessary or expedient.
To do all such other things as may be conducive to the extension of trade, commerce, industry or incidental to the attainment of the above objects or any of them.
The Chairman/Chief Executive/Ambassadors/High Commissions/Commercial Counsellors/ /Trade Promotional Organization/Chamber of Commerce & Industry