Bangladesh Blood Donors Forum is a volunteer organization
"Bangladesh Blood Donors Forum" is a voluntary and complete non-profit organization, its members work on full volunteering and our respected advisory churches do our global guidance and overall cooperation, our medical team also offers free medical care. Every member of Bangladesh Blood Donor Ferrom is working in the lanky way to make the donation process easier and safer throughout the country.
Creating awareness about blood donation, managing free blood grouping campaigns, creating free medical treatment, creating awareness about illegal blood-trading, creating awareness about thalassemia and cancer prevention and making people socially responsible for any social work, Blood Donors Forum members are always ready to work.
We want to spread our activities in departmental and district levels. Therefore, please contact us with the district district team. Apart from donating other activities, you can send donations or sponsor to keep your activities active. If you are a writer, through writing, photographer can be a journalist, journalist, and IT expert, then you can get involved with our activities through IT support.
Maybe your little work or footwork can be a big thing for us and it may be a rush to helpless people.
● Our humiliation and motives ➯
► Make blood donation awareness across the country.
► Confirming voluntary blood donor in the time for the sufferer.
► Free Blood Group for All Adults All over the country.
► Honor with the donation of donors.
► To participate in all kinds of social, humanitarian and awareness programs around the country.
● Some of our future plans ➯
► Forming effective voluntary teams in 64 districts across the country.
► Creating volunteers at Thana, upazila and ward levels through the formation of divisional and district-based teams.
► Keep adequate blood donation ready in 64 districts of the country.
► Bringing all the blood donors and bloodthirsty to the same platform.
► Working in the care of the helpless victims of the country's helpless, poor and natural disaster.